Organizations behind the One-Planet Alliance

Organizations behind the One-Planet Alliance

The One-Planet Alliance is a central initiative of FoDaFo – the Footprint Data Foundation. In essence, FoDaFo executes the mission of the One-Planet Alliance. It is the independent international organization behind the Alliance that owns and governs the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts. FoDaFo‘s purpose is to provide robust and transparent ecological accounts that estimate the amount of biocapacity that countries demand, and the amount of biocapacity available. These accounts are maintained in collaboration with an international research network and are made possible through the support of the One-Planet Alliance. The One-Planet Alliance enables FoDaFo to make the Footprint and biocapacity accounts ever more reliable, accessible and relevant.

FoDaFo and its One-Planet Alliance were brought into existence by:

GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK is an award-winning, international non-profit organization, founded in 2003. The organization produces and promotes Ecological Footprint accounting and has worked with national and sub-national governments as well as corporations. It also runs Earth Overshoot Day to highlight the benefits of living within the means of our planet. It used to produce the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts until they were transferred to FoDaFo in 2019.

YORK UNIVERSITY is Canada’s third largest university. It is renowned for its innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning. Founded in 1959, this vibrant, diverse university boasts more than 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 7,000 faculty and staff and more than 300,000 alumni worldwide. It established North America’s first Faculty of Environmental Studies in 1968.